Thursday, June 10, 2010

IF - Trail

On the trail of the White Whale, and let nothing distract from that task. Actually, it won't take a genius to figure out that this was actually started for last week's theme 'Slither', but I didn't get it finished in time. Still, 'manners maketh man', and the theme maketh the picture, so to speak.

Pen and digital paint.


Stephen Halker said...

Nice. i was just reading that book.

AHAviews said...

Enjoying the composition and colours, expression on the whaler's face -

Annie Napolean said...

Intriguing depth and twisting turning forms and mr. whaler

k.h.whitaker said...

ahhhh, very nice

Andrew Finnie said...

the circular /oval cropping adds a lot to the sinuous feel

Tim Dowling said...

really cool! Love the colours :-) you've been really busy - I like your bird sketches too. I'm so jealous - you make animal drawings look so easy to draw.